That Common Thing
There is one thing so common
between you and me,
between your day and night and my day and night
between your life and my life:
as in birds and skies have freedom
but not as free as the limitless bullets of our homes.
The love is what the other things are not
What the other things are not, it is
Just the plain, old, tender feeling
yet so special in its worldliness,
as in there are many flowers so special
but unusual they are as the Shiroi Lilies
and no new day can rewrite its lines
and no new lines can rewrite its old days
It is what it is
It is not what it is not
and there will be heartfelt closeness
and there will be heartbroken moments.
But I will climb no mountain
I will get you no star from the heaven;
The only thing I have is the thing we have
We have it so common between you and me;
an unproven fact has found new meaning.
There is one thing so common,
as common as the trodden track;
between you and me,
between our lives and our death ||
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