Political Ideologies 101

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”
Groucho Marx
A collection of 23 generic political ideologies

(with the haiku of absurdity)

Marx’s been dead, long time
Anarchism is order;
But money still rules

Once Pol Pot and Mao
They came for Kabo biri,
The army thrashed them 

The rightists ban beef,
The Sunlight Colony yells
Your ban—my cow’s ass!

They share their towels
They share their toothbrushes too,
M/S The Ministers.

PS: Political Ideologies 101 | A collection of 23 generic political ideologies
With additional text from
Quick Reference (www.quick-facts.co.uk)


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